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Honeywell TF974|TF976燃油燃烧器控制器

单价: 0.00
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销量: 累计出售 0 件,0 个订单
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人气: 已有 277 人关注
更新: 2012-06-05
产品名称: TF974|TF976燃油燃烧器控制器



品牌:Satronic - Honeywell



TF974/976 - Oil Burner Safety Control

For 1- or 2-stage oil burners up to 30 kg/h throughput and intermittent operation with or without oil preheating

Flame detection:

- Photo resistor MZ 770 S

- Infrared-flicker detector IRD 1010

- UV flame sensor UVD 970

A special contact in the control unit short-circuits the thermo-switch of the fuel heater as soon as the burner is operating and the flame signal is present. Therefore interruption of the burner operation due to decreasing oil temperature can be prevented (e.g. in case of high oil flow).

If the control box goes into lock-out mode, the oil preheater power supply is also disconnected.


TF974 1-stage operation

post-ignition time ca. 20 sec.

low voltage protection according to EN230

TF976 2-stage operation

post-ignition time ca. 2- 4 sec.

low voltage protection according to EN230

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